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  • How do I explain the therapy to my child?
    We encourage you to talk to your child before you come to the session and explain in an easy way who a Therapist is and why at this time your child may need support. We suggest telling the child the following: “Sometimes it helps to have time just for yourself to share with a person there just for you to connect with and talk about anything you want.” When you are ready to come for the first visit, you could say to your child that she (he) will come to see Hannah for a visit in her playroom where there are lots of toys to play with.
  • Are the sessions confidential?
    Confidentiality means that everything you share in therapy stays private between you and your therapist. This includes your personal information, session notes, and any details discussed during sessions. This applies to Child clients as well. Exceptions to this rule include situations where there is a risk of harm to yourself or others, or if required by law, such as cases involving child abuse. Your privacy is a top priority, and these exceptions are in place to ensure safety and comply with legal requirements.
  • How does the typical first session look like?
    Before seeing a child, we would love to meet the parent(s). We talk about the nature of the child’s difficulties and their family’s background. After that we meet your child. We use play-based approaches to help children express in non-verbal ways about their worries and difficulties.
  • What is your cancellation policy?
    Missed appointments and late cancellations will be billed unless notification is received at least 24 hours before the scheduled appointment time. A cancellation charge will not be applied if appointment can be rescheduled within the same week.
  • Do you have free parking?
    Yes! There is free parking on Bennett Ave, right outside the office on the street. If you park in downtown Glendora be mindful of time zones on signage.
  • How can I schedule a consultation call?
    You can schedule an appointment online via the contact section of my website, call me directly at (626) 833-9055 or email @ I will respond typically within 24 hours, if received on the weekend I will get back to you by the next business day
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